What ARe your firm’s core practice areas?
Business Law
Labour & Regulatory
Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Real Estate
Tax (including Private Client Services and Charities & Not-for-Profit)
How would you describe your firm’s culture in 3 words?
What is one question you think candidates should be prepared to answer in an interview?
Everything in your application (cover letter, resume, transcripts) is fair game to ask about. Be familiar with what you submitted and be sure to capitalize on opportunities interviewers give you to speak on your experience.
Does your firm offer a rotation? If so, what does it look like for summer students and articling students?
Summer Students and Articling Students handle a variety of assignments for all our practice groups, from assisting with trials to helping with various corporate transactions. Students are also encouraged to be entrepreneurial, and seek work and experiences of interest to them. In this way, our program provides students with a greater insight into Miller Thomson, the overall practice of law and areas of law that may be of interest to them. For more information visit:
What is one piece of advice you would give to a 1L?
It’s okay not to know what your area of interest is. Articling at a full-service firm will provide you with the opportunity to explore a variety of practice areas.